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Showing posts from November, 2023


Dark Matter Mystery

Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are continuing their search for dark matter, the elusive substance that makes up about 85% of the universe's mass. While no direct detection of dark matter particles has been made yet, experiments at the LHC and other facilities are narrowing down the possibilities and exploring new theories about the nature of dark matter. Solving the mystery of dark matter is one of the biggest challenges in modern astrophysics.

An astronomical waltz reveals a sextuplet of planets

Astronomers discover disc around star in another galaxy

Composition of asteroid Phaethon

Solar activity likely to peak next year

Telescope Array detects second highest-energy cosmic ray ever

High-power fiber lasers emerge as a pioneering technology

Dwarf galaxies use 10-million-year quiet period to churn out stars

Why the vast supergalactic plane is teeming with only one type of galaxy

Investigating the contribution of gamma-ray blazar flares to neutrino flux

James Webb Space Telescope detects water vapor, sulfur dioxide and sand clouds in the atmosphere of a nearby exoplanet

Using eclipses to calculate the transparency of Saturn's rings

Downloading NASA's dark matter data from above the clouds

'Bouncing' comets could deliver building blocks for life to exoplanets

Galactic 'lightsabers': Answering longstanding questions about jets from black holes

Scientists uncover aurora-like radio emission above a sunspot

Tracking down quantum flickering of the vacuum

Second-most distant galaxy discovered using James Webb Space Telescope

Scientists find 14 new transient objects in space by peering through the 'Christmas Tree Galaxy Cluster'

New findings support long-proposed process of planet formation

Researchers find gravitational lensing has significant effect on cosmic birefringence

Studies of geologic faulting on icy moons aid exploration of extraterrestrial watery worlds

Mystery resolved: Black hole feeding and feedback at the center of an active galaxy

Black holes are messy eaters

'Jurassic worlds' might be easier to spot than modern Earth

The remains of an ancient planet lie deep within Earth

Giant planets cast a deadly pall