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Showing posts from February, 2021


Dark Matter Mystery

Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are continuing their search for dark matter, the elusive substance that makes up about 85% of the universe's mass. While no direct detection of dark matter particles has been made yet, experiments at the LHC and other facilities are narrowing down the possibilities and exploring new theories about the nature of dark matter. Solving the mystery of dark matter is one of the biggest challenges in modern astrophysics.

Imaging space debris in high resolution

Nuclear physicists on hunt for squeezed protons

Meteorites remember conditions of stellar explosions

Largest cluster of galaxies known in the early universe

Microbes deep beneath seafloor survive on byproducts of radioactive process

NASA and lunar gateway

Parker Solar Probe offers stunning view of Venus

Comet makes a pit stop near Jupiter's asteroids

Scientists link star-shredding event to origins of universe's highest-energy particles

Apollo rock samples capture key moments in the Moon's early history

Cold gas pipelines feeding early, massive galaxies

A space-time crystal

Life of a pure Martian design

First black hole ever detected is more massive than we thought

Ancient relic points to a turning point in Earth's history 42,000 years ago

Touchdown! NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover safely lands on Red Planet

Habitable Zone and Possible Super-Earth

Quantum collaboration gives new gravity to the mysteries of the universe

On the quest for other Earths

Planetary scientists discover evidence for a reduced atmosphere on ancient Mars

The smallest galaxies in our universe bring more about dark matter to light

Supercomputer turns back cosmic clock

First humans in Tasmania must have seen spectacular auroras

Upcoming dates - Live QA about Space

To "Hear" Perseverance Land on Mars

The comet that killed the dinosaurs

New machine learning theory raises questions about nature of science

Portrait of young galaxy throws theory of galaxy formation on its head

NASA's TESS discovers new worlds in a river of young stars

About White Dwarf Atmospheres

What's Causing Those Landslides on Mars?

Vaporised crusts of Earth-like planets found in dying stars

Hubble uncovers concentration of small black holes

Scientist proposes a new timeline for Mars terrains

Spectacular 'honeycomb heart' revealed in iconic stellar explosion

Astronomers uncover mysterious origins of 'super-Earths'

A new way to look for life-sustaining planets

Astronomers confirm orbit of most distant object ever observed in our solar system

Weekly Space Hangout Feb 17th 5 pm PST

Can super-Earth interior dynamics set the table for habitability?

Astronomers offer possible explanation for elusive dark-matter-free galaxies

Student astronomer finds galactic missing matter

Galaxies collision vs Black Holes

Rare blast's remains discovered in Milky Way's center

Study of supergiant star Betelgeuse unveils the cause of its pulsations

Virtual Star Party upcoming February dates

Researchers create 'whirling' nano-structures in anti-ferromagnets

Dark matter: A new tool in the search for axions

True identity of mysterious gamma-ray source revealed

The secrets of 3000 galaxies laid bare

How do electrons close to Earth reach almost the speed of light?

Searching for dark matter through the fifth dimension

Astronomers detect extended dark matter halo around ancient dwarf galaxy

Backreaction observed for first time in water tank black hole simulation