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Evidence of Water on the Moon

Recently, several interesting scientific discoveries have been made regarding space and galaxies.  New findings suggest that there are significant amounts of water ice present in permanently shadowed regions of the Moon. This discovery has important implications for future lunar exploration and potential colonization. The discovery reflect the rapidly evolving field of astrophysics and our increasing understanding of the universe.

An upcoming ESA mission is going to remove one piece of space junk from orbit

While working at the NASA Johnson Space Center during the 1970s, astrophysicist Donald Kessler predicted that collisions of space debris would become increasingly common as the density of space debris increases in orbit around the Earth, creating a cascading effect. Since 2005, the amount of debris in orbit has followed an exponential growth curve, confirming Kessler's prediction.

from Space Exploration News - Space News, Space Exploration, Space Science, Earth Sciences
