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Evidence of Water on the Moon

Recently, several interesting scientific discoveries have been made regarding space and galaxies.  New findings suggest that there are significant amounts of water ice present in permanently shadowed regions of the Moon. This discovery has important implications for future lunar exploration and potential colonization. The discovery reflect the rapidly evolving field of astrophysics and our increasing understanding of the universe.

Astronomers describe a violent black hole outburst that provides new insight into galaxy cluster evolution

Billions of years ago, in the center of a galaxy cluster far, far away (15 billion light-years, to be exact), a black hole spewed out jets of plasma. As the plasma rushed out of the black hole, it pushed away material, creating two large cavities 180 degrees from each other. In the same way you can calculate the energy of an asteroid impact by the size of its crater, Michael Calzadilla, a graduate student at the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research (MKI), used the size of these cavities to figure out the power of the black hole's outburst.

from Astronomy News - Space News, Exploration News, Earth Science News, Earth Science
