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Evidence of Water on the Moon

Recently, several interesting scientific discoveries have been made regarding space and galaxies.  New findings suggest that there are significant amounts of water ice present in permanently shadowed regions of the Moon. This discovery has important implications for future lunar exploration and potential colonization. The discovery reflect the rapidly evolving field of astrophysics and our increasing understanding of the universe.

Breathable atmospheres may be more common in the universe than we first thought

The existence of habitable alien worlds has been a mainstay of popular culture for more than a century. In the 19th century, astronomers believed that Martians might be using canal-based transport links to traverse the red planet. Now, despite living in an age when scientists can study planets light years from our own solar system, most new research continues to diminish the chances of finding other worlds on which humans could live. The biggest stumbling block may be oxygen—human settlers would need a high oxygen atmosphere in which to breathe.

from Space Exploration News - Space News, Space Exploration, Space Science, Earth Sciences
