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Evidence of Water on the Moon

Recently, several interesting scientific discoveries have been made regarding space and galaxies.  New findings suggest that there are significant amounts of water ice present in permanently shadowed regions of the Moon. This discovery has important implications for future lunar exploration and potential colonization. The discovery reflect the rapidly evolving field of astrophysics and our increasing understanding of the universe.

Calculating the time it will take spacecraft to find their way to other star systems

A pair of researchers, one with the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, the other with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at CIT, has found a way to estimate how long it will take already launched space vehicles to arrive at other star systems. The pair, Coryn Bailer-Jones and Davide Farnocchia have written a paper describing their findings and have uploaded it to the arXiv preprint server.

from Astronomy News - Space News, Exploration News, Earth Science News, Earth Science
