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Evidence of Water on the Moon

Recently, several interesting scientific discoveries have been made regarding space and galaxies.  New findings suggest that there are significant amounts of water ice present in permanently shadowed regions of the Moon. This discovery has important implications for future lunar exploration and potential colonization. The discovery reflect the rapidly evolving field of astrophysics and our increasing understanding of the universe.

The citizen scientists who helped map Bennu

When NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission spacecraft arrived at the asteroid Bennu, it discovered more rocks and boulders than envisioned. Mapping all these potential hazards was necessary to select a location to collect a sample of the surface for return to Earth. This effort was the work of multiple teams around the globe. One of those teams consisted of more than 3,500 citizen scientists who used CosmoQuest's Bennu Mappers project to mark rocks, measure boulders, and map craters. Together, they made more than 14 million annotations of features on a global map of Bennu. CosmoQuest is a project that is based at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Ariz. (

from Space Exploration News - Space News, Space Exploration, Space Science, Earth Sciences
